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Drosera basifolia

D. basifolia (D. menziesii ssp. basifolia) is one of four species in the menziesii complex consisting of D. basifolia, D. drummondii, D. menziesii and D. thysanosepala. It is an erect growing species reaching up to 15 cm in height. Adult plants do not form a basal rosette which is typical for all D. menziesii complex species. Very characteristic for this species is the arrangement of the leaves at the lower part of the stem. The petioles are direct upwards and thereby the leaves form a compact cylinder around the stem up to 5 cm in height.
The plants are usually deep red to maroon in colour. This subspecies produces a few long bracts at the lower part of the stem.

The tubers are mostly red and may desiccate relatively easily if stored bone dry (e.g. in a ziplock bag without some slightly moist substrate or some other source of moisture)
All D. menziesii complex species form a relatively long root when grown from seeds. It usually exceeds 1 cm in length before the first leaves open. The stolons produced in the second half of the first growing are likewise relatively long and even tiny tubers will mostly be produced 3-5 centimetre deep in the substrate.


Tubers of D. basifolia. The colour is mostly red, but usually also some white or partly white tubers can be found.



emerging adult plants

emerging adult plants

Emerging adult plants.The typical growth habit and the lower leaves forming a cylinder around the stem are already visible.



basal part of stem


The name-giving characteristic of this subsspecies is the cylinder of leaves formed around the lower part of the stem.

single leaf at the upper part of the stem



flower bud


Flower bud. The sepals are glandular in this species.

open flowers



flower bud


Close-ups of the open flowers




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