--- home for tuberous drosera


Drosera huegelii

Drosera huegelii is a remarkable erect species reaching up to 45 cm in height, but most adult plants I have seen so far reached a maximum height of 20 cm. Some forms are smaller than 10 cm.
The most distinctive feature of this species are the bell shaped leaves. Although being somewhat similar to some D. macrantha leaves, the overall appearance is very different as the leaves are always solitary and the plant is glabrous. Another difference is the flowering habit as D. huegelii flowers for several days whereas D. macrantha flowers open for a few hours only.
Some bracts are formed at the lower part of the stem. The tubers are white.



part of the stem. Note that the stem is glabrous and that the leaves are solitary

flowering plant

upper part of flowering plant

upper part of flowering plant

very typical: bell shaped leaf

flower bud. Note the shape of the sepals




close-up of flower


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