--- home for tuberous drosera


Drosera humilis

Erect plants which may branch into 3-5 stems up to 15 cm long. The stem(s) arise from a small basal rosette of leaves. The plants may be reddish or golden green, the leaves in the stems are whorled (3-5 leaves per whorl). The main inflorescence will arise from the basal rosette and may branch into 2-4 stems. Additional smaller inflorescences may arise terminally from the leafy stems. The tuber is orange.

This species differs from other species in the complex by flowering well before the plants are fully developed, leaf shape and the large, brown, rounded and angled seeds.

You can find a full description of this species here: (the download may be slow): Lowrie, A taxonomic revision of Drosera section Stolonifera (Droseraceae) from south-west Western Australia, Nuytsia 15(3): 355–393 (2005); (file size 3.9 MB)



D. humilis tubers. This species places its tubers relatively deep when compared with other plants of this size.







Plants of the Wongan Hills form at different stages of development.



flowering plant


close-up if flower

Flowering plant and close-ups of D. humilis flowers.




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