--- home for tuberous drosera
Drosera tubaestylis Drosera tubaestylis is a variable rosetted sundew species reaching from less than 2.5 cm to 8 cm in diameter with 5 to 6 leaves forming the compact rosette. The leaf colour may range from green to dark red-maroon.The leaf has a raised mid-rib for three quarters of its length which allows to differentiate Drosera tubaestylis from similar species like Drosera rosulata and Drosera orbiculata. Flowers are produced at the center of the rosette on single scapes up to 2.5 cm long with up to 3, in some forms up to 6, scapes per plant. The tubae-formed styles are characteristic for this species and differentiated it from all others. The tubers are pale orange. The typical form produces many lateral stolons, some of which above the ground, leading to the formation of dense colonies. However, other variants of this species only rarely produce additional tubers. type form
Brookton form A form forming beautiful dark maroon rosettes, a very nice contrast to their white flowers. The size can range from 4 to 8 cm for full grown plants. Lateral stolons are usually not formed, although one may find an occasional extra tuber.Cranbrook form A form forming relatively large green rosettes. My two plants never produced any additional tubers for several years until the 2011/2012 season. At the end of the season both plants had produced many small extra tubers as you can see on the first two pictures.Sout Coast form A form forming relatively small green rosettes. |
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